eforea Markham

Here to help everyone emerge brighter!

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Top 5 Bridal Hairstyles for 2014

Planning a wedding is a lot of work. Deciding which hair style you are going to choose should be the fun part, however with all the options we have these days, it’s becoming a lot more “work” than it is “fun”…
DSC_1220This is why we decided to make it a little easier for brides, and narrow down all options to the “Top 5 Hairstyles for Brides”. So…what bride are you?

  1. The Whimsical BrideWhimsical Bride

    For all those barn weddings that are quickly gaining in popularity thanks to ‘Pinterest’, a whimsical hair style is a perfect ‘do’ to match the rustic theme of most outdoor woodsy weddings! Braids are a cute and on-trend way to achieve this look while still looking put together. Psst. the more tendrils the better!

    Perfect hair accessory: tiny flowers

  2. The Sophisticated Bride                                   sophisticated bride
    For the more polished and practical weddings, a sophisticated hair style is the perfect way to compliment a well-planned, chaos-free wedding. An   elegant up-do with zero frizz is the best way to polish off this look!

    Perfect hair accessory: a small broach

  3. The Care-Free Bridecarefree brie

     For all those brides who are just simply excited to be marrying the man of their dreams, there are many simple ways to style your hair when bridal hair is the last thing on your mind. Try wearing it down with loose effortless waves, with just a hint of detail — because come on…this is your wedding day!

    Perfect hair accessory: absolutely nothing

  4. The Edgy Bride                                                        edgy

    Your wedding is a time to share your unique style and taste for all your friends and family to admire. From the centerpieces to your hair, your wedding is a reflection of who you are, which is why many brides are throwing out the bridal mags, and doing it their way.  For a more avant-garde look, have some fun with it and go BIG.

    Perfect hair accessory: Tikka headpiece

  5. The Classic Bride

    There will forever be something effortless and elegant about a classicclassy bride, which is why women around the world are continuing with the traditions and maintaining an understated look as they walk down the aisle. With your hair swept off your face, let the dress speak for itself!

    Perfect hair accessory: a few pearl bobby pins

Just remember ladies, this is your time to shine!

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The Value in a Facial

With September around the corner, it’s time we are forced to remove our flip flops, put down the margaritas and get back into our normal (boring) routine. There is something about this month that makes everyone want to look their best, act their best, and be the best, which is why we are declaring September to be “The New January” – as it may not be a new year, but it is a new season, and time for a new you!

After spending months laying in the sun, drinking on patios, and staying up late to gaze at the stars, everyone begins to see the effects of their summer fun on their bank statements, waist-line and most importantly…their skin. The impact the sun’s rays have on our skin is paramount, as too much exposure can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, marks, dry skin, and even skin cancer. It is times like this where a good old fashioned facial is just what the doctor ordered!

There are countless benefits to a good facial that can help reverse the effects of sun damage, partying and all-nighters. We have made it easy for you, and simplified this endless list to our top 3 reasons why facials are crucial post-summer treatment!

  1. Cleansing & Exfoliating – After summer, our skin is in desperate need of a good cleanse! With all the sun screen and self tanner we lather on our face, our pores don’t get a lot of chance to breath – which is why a cleansing facial takes face-washing to the next level, and gets deep in our pores (where all the dirt is hiding).

    The next crucial step to any good facial is the exfoliation. This is where the talented esthetician removes all the dead skin cells that are resting on the surface of our face, limiting the potential of our true glow!  Once this layer of useless skin is removed, a new layer of bright skin is ready to emerge!

  2. Hydrating – Like our mothers always told us, hydration is the secret to glowing skin! Seeing as water occupies 75% of the body, which helps maintain temperature, transport nutrients and flush out toxins, you can see that it is imperative that your face remains hydrated. This is why patio season is bitter-sweet because alcohol dehydrates and depletes our skin of vital nutrients, accelerating the aging process. The best way to combat wrinkles and reduce the effects of aging is to stay hydrated and moisturize that skin!
  3. Relaxing – As summer comes to an end, that means it’s time to go back to school, buckle down at work, meet deadlines, have new ideas and get back in the swing of things. All this change and pressure can cause high levels of stress – which is no friend to our skin! Not only does a facial feel amazing, it allows you to close your eyes, forget about the deadlines and escape from reality. (Even better, many quality facials include effleurage (light massage) which is the cherry on top!)


So remember folks, when you look in the mirror and realize that you might not look as fresh and vibrant as you did a few months ago, simply remember that a good facial is here to save the day and help you emerge brighter for the new season!Shot_07_019_30503_Crop               

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Back to School: A Teacher’s Survival Guide

It’s time we share some bad news… Summer is almost over, and school will be back in session before we know it! That means children and parents will soon be running around frantically trying to buy markers and binders in every colour, jeans for every day of the week and not one, but two new pairs of shoes. Every year the attention is on these busy shoppers, as they prepare for what is considered the best and worst time of the year…Back to School!

But what about the teachers?!Back to school

With hours of preparing lesson plans, book lists, printables, ice breakers and activities, teachers are already exhausted, and its not even the first day of school. That is why this year, it’s all about the teachers and showing appreciation for these hard working mind shapers.

It’s easy to get caught up in your career, especially when it’s something you love. Regardless of your profession, it is imperative to have a healthy work-life balance to ensure an optimal quality of life. However… that is easier said than done! As an educator, you spend all day executing your lesson plans. Plans which you prepared the evening before, when you could have been watching the latest episode of ‘Survivor’. This on going routine can often get in the way of this dream for a healthy work-life balance when there isn’t much time left for ‘life’. This is often a struggle for teachers, which is why we are going to make it simple, and offer tips on how to make time for “Me Time” and start minimizing stress levels.

man relaxing1. Put your feet up! Teachers spend majority of the day on their feet teaching lesson plans, chasing students around, bending, reaching, and lifting. Most people don’t realize just how physically grueling teaching can be! That is why is important to sit down, put your feet up and relax! Just because you are shaping minds, doesn’t mean you’re the energizer bunny!

2. Be selfish – for once! Teachers spend every day of their working career putting others first. They focus on how they can help, teach, assist and care for others, while forgetting to look out for number one! Making time for yourself can go a long way, which means sometimes it’s okay to be selfish! Try treating yourself to something special from time to time and remind yourself that you deserve it! vip lady

3. Clear your mind. Teachers are planners at heart, and its hard to shut that off. It’s easy to lay awake in bed preparing for the next day, the next lesson plan or the next field trip. When it comes to “Me Time”, make an effort to turn ‘teacher-mode’ off, and enjoy what makes you happy. Find peace in your own way, and simply relax.

So remember, the next time you’re chanting “No more marking, no more books, no more students’ dirty looks!” take a moment and make an effort to be a little selfish, put your feet up, and clear your mind!

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RMT of the Month

We are excited to announce our RMT of the Month…
Helen Yue!
massage tableExperience

  • 7 + years of experience as a Registered Massage Therapist
  • Licensed to perform Massage Therapy in both China and Canada
  • History working in massage and physiotherapy clinics and spas


  • General Swedish Massage
  • Advanced Therapeutic Techniques
  • Chinese Traditional Massage
  • Prenatal Massage
  • Foot Reflexology

Why she’s our RMT of the Month

  • Extensive experience and skill in a wide variety of techniques
  • Understands both the healing and relaxing benefits of massage therapy
  • Provides first-class experience
  • Warm and welcoming personality!